Not as the World Giveth…


I’ve been out of organized religion for about four to five years now, but this morning a scripture from the bible came clearly to my mind.

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”

A light came on, an “aha” moment.  This gift of peace is peace of mind. If there is peace within, then any storm can be weathered.

How many difficult experiences have you been through? How many hardships? Sickness? Broken hearts? This is not the first time you’ve experienced inconvenience, difficult times, or serious situations.  You are resilient and strong. You handled it. You took baby steps, one foot in front of the other. You woke up each morning and you showed up for yourself and you got through it.

You found peace in the day, in the hour, in the moment. You did this because you made a choice.  You chose that life was worth the fight, it was worth the battle, and then when you really had to be courageous…the surrender.  Surrendering into change, into the unknown, into the new beginnings of a new life.

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